
yay yay wow wow

Das ist ein Geschenk (ein wasserdichte CD-Spieler für Badezimmer) von meinem QP!!! Was für ein Geschenk ist das?? Zum meinen Geburtstag?....Nein....Weihnachtsgeschenk?....noch nicht ne? ;P heheheh

Die richtige Antwort ist.....zum unseren Jahrestag. Die Zeit verging im Fluge! schon 1 Jahr?
Ich fühle mich alt. lol Das Leben ist zu kurz aber so ist nun einmal das Leben. C'est la vie :D

Vielen vielen dank QP!!! XXX


Yakiniku et Karaoke

←これは3人でお台場に遊びに行った時のものです。なんかフジテレビの中で"give it a try"ということでUFOキャッチャーにチャレンジした彼らですが、なんとQPが1回目で、西遊記の悟空と「どこでもいっしょ」の(?)にゃんこをgetしたのでありました。みんな人生初のUFOキャッチャー勝利に大興奮し、このfake "Statue of Liberty"をバックに(後ろ向きだけど(笑))ぱちり☆==

で、今夜はこの3人でカラオケ→焼肉コースに挑みましたぁ~各々が観光・仕事・遊び疲れ気味でしたが、カラオケでみんなで熱唱し、少々カロリーを消費した後に焼肉食べに行き、みんなあっという間に元気になりました。 いや~それにしても最近よく食べ、良く飲み・・・豚子に向かって一直線です(汗)。まあ~すでに豚子ですわぁ~~~いやはや・・・


Notre paradis...Shinokubo!

Today I went to Shin-Okubo(Korean town) with QP and Nano. In that area there is a quite huge korean community so you can reach very good korean food there! Since QP,Nano, and others who I often hang out with used to live there so this "tiny Korea" is our place. lol Actually when I was about 3yrs old I used to live in that area but I don't remember.lol Wow so I might be influenced by that small korean town? ahhahah Yea...I am! I love Korean food! Today we went to the restauraunt where QP and I went to once and thought it was cool so we took Nano there but Nano knows about korean culture and whatver there much better than we do;) so I learned quite a lot from him. mmm....it was yum yum.....miam miam! :D


Soubetsukai für A

As you all already know I love party!!!! And on saturday we had a Soubetsukai( a farewell party) for one of my pretty good friends from France! Last October through my university, I got a chace to get to know a bunch of people from France. They are always great to hang out with and very nice! Since then I've been hanging out with them quite a lot.
Actually they know better about Tokyo than I do although I'm from Tokyo lol ;P ahhaha How come?......

Anyway, everyone of them came here and each one is very different(of course lol) and I love that lovely people! There might be many difficulities since they live in such a diffrent (maybe weird....lol) place,Tokyo from theirs.

Myself....when I used to live in Germany for the first time it was quite hard to adapt to many things there.( But now I wanna get back there(EU) a.s.a.p! lol) So I sometimes feel and know that kind of difficulities for living here(not only here but other places,too) But,everytime I met them I didn't see such confusion from them. They tried to be there and tried to "be in Japan" and besides they made me soooooooooooo happy all the time! Their smile and kindnesses are always my power! ;) arigato minna ;) Merci a tous! love you all xxx

And one of them,(my great french teacher) is the first one to leave here so we had an awesome party with people around him! It was chooooooooo awesome time,huh?


hatte ja viel Spaß!

Zur Zeit ist ein guter Freund von meinem Freund (QP) aus Frankreich gekommen, also wir waren ein bisschen beschäftigt mit der Stadtrundfahrt!
Aber wir hatten ja viel Spass! ;)

Naja haben wir sehr viel Spaß gehabt! Das war sein erste mal in Tokio,deshalb war alles,die wir hier gemacht haben ganz neu für ihn. :D hahah

Obwohl ich aus Tokio komme, habe ich aber nichts so viel über die Stadt gewusst.lol Also das war ja eine gute Gelegenheit auch für mich, über die Stadt zu lernen. ahahaha :P Tja, Japan....meine Heimat aber ich mag lieber Europa! :D Ich vermisse mein Leben dort aber so viel.



Hey minna! Genki?

We've done the "puri-kura"-print club...that's what it stands for ne? lol

It's been for a while to do such "wakamono-thing" lol ahhah

 Viel Spaß!


Also los!

Hallo Leute!

Endlich fing ich das an! lol
Es geht mir gut hier und ja genieße ich mein Leben hier :D
Tja, viele Grüße aus Tokio :)

Hey all

I've just started my new blog here ;)
I'm doing alright and having fun here :D
Well well well....see ya later ;)