

今日はのんびーり起きて、昼過ぎからxis-xisの同僚、近ちゃんとその彼女ヒロポンと4人でドライブしながら横浜のIKEAまで行ってインテリアを買いあさって来ました。IKEAはドイツにいた時からよー利用してたんですが、まさか日本にもあるとは・・・!安くって、デザインもマーマー好きですう!Sweden食品やらビールも買っちゃいました♪家に帰ってSwedish Partyです☆=サーモンばっか食べてました!Swedenにはかなり友達訪ねに通いました☆ホントにスンバラシイ国です!生活水準高すぎです!スバラシイっす!あ~今日も良い1日でしたわぁ~~♪ありがとうです、近ちゃんとヒロポン☆=

9 件のコメント:

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

Hey Iam starting to like it.. it felt really strange in the begining.
I feel fine and iam searching for job,today i went on a interview as a teacher.. but iam not sure i will take it.

So what have you been up to? tell me.

匿名 さんのコメント...


匿名 さんのコメント...

hej! Oskar ;)
Tack for your message :) yea i guess the same thing would happen when i would start new stuffs you know. i know how you feel ;) yea as you see here i went to IKEA! lol the swedish ! yay there are also many swedish foods and drinks! i miss sweden,oskar!!!! gotta go back there;) mmm so cool

匿名 さんのコメント...

そーなんよ~~横浜areaぶらついとりましたわ~~Keiに連絡しようかなってめちゃ思ってたんだけどさ、忙しいかなと思って^^でもまたすぐ行くから絶対遊ぼうぜィ!!xis-xisも会いたがっとーよ☆= ウィー・ラヴ・ユーでっせ(*^__^*)/ heheh

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

You shuld be here its a really cool country iam still looking for a job here.

And iam going to do a demo class tommorow, to see if iam suited for the job.
So how is your studies?

匿名 さんのコメント...

ah will you? :) how nice!
i wish you a good luck ;) i'm sure you'll do very well on that! yea Sweden is awesome country! i used to go a lot when i was in d'dorf :) i have many friends to visit there so i'll go back there anyway ;) i'll let you know when the time comes,oskar ;) ah...my studies...i've just finished all of my exams so i'm waiting for the result now ;P heheh i hope i would pass lol well,i think i did quite well on them...i HOPE lol hehe
luv xx

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

Haha, noo i mean Ecuador is a cool country.. sweden is boring.

The class went well but it was chaotic i dont know if i will take this job i have to think about it.

Oh so you quit your studies, do you work now or what?

匿名 さんのコメント...

yea the same oskar,
i'm still doing job-hunting (i mean not for part-time) it's normal to start doing that job-hunting about a year before you graduate here in japan which is quite stressful though. i'll need to do that till like april anyway lol haaa that's the way all jap r doin'--phew

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

cool.iam really confused at the moment dont know what buisness i want to start here, maybe a resturant!?

we will se.. how do the plans of this year look, where will you go next?
