
Merci Audrey xxx

Hey all!!! How are you all? It's getting colder gradually and yea Christmas is coming soon;) yay yay yay yay! This weekend xis-xis and I were out quite long for this comin' Christmas shopping! And yea we bought a lot indeed lol And yes we've just sent something awesome ;) for his lovely family in France;) I hope everyone there loves our presents!! heheheh :D Your "petit Papa Noel" is coming soon ;)
And yes...unfortunately....my dearest friend, Audrey will go back to France soon so we met up in the center and did lots of PURIKURA:D heheh We all were so excitied doing that and had great fun! ne Audrey-chan♪♪

Oh god.... lol

happy lovely genki!

en France!---see ya all there;)

Santaclaus is comin' !!! Be good! lol

cool cool cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
After we did that kind of pics we met up other friends,Mathias,Maxime,Fujie and Baptiste and had a great dinner!!! We ate a lot,drank a lot,laughed a lot....and yea after that we went to Karaoke and yea....everything was indescribably awesome!!! ;)
Merci pour tout Audrey!!!C'est toi!!! tu es vraiment une perle! I just still can't believe that the time has been passing so fast...Audrey,she always helped me a lot when I got stuck in many ways. She always gives me warmth and manythings....that was really big to me...and still IS big! I will definitely miss her when she's back in France but she promised us she'll come back here and I'll visit her in France very soon;) Oh by the way,I've got very nice ZARA-shirt from her!!! I love it very much! I love ZARA style very much indeed :D Arigatooooo Audrey! Daisukiyo xxx ;)
Today xis-xis and I did christmas shopping continually ;D yea...AGAIN!!! We bought a lot of Christmas decorations! That was really sweet! People looked like enjoying this special christmas atmosphere here...mmm I don't know it's more like...I felt this very jap"consumer confidence" very intensively lol.... I really miss european pure christmas atmosphere...it's kinda different here...isn't it? At least...the way I see it lol

11 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Japans Weihnachtsmänner und Frauen.
Total bekloppt hahaha

Coole Fotos Yuko

Alexis さんのコメント...

Yay, trop cool les photos :).
I can't wait for christmassssssssssss!!! xxx

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

Thanks for writing in English, now i can understand.. maybe you should write in more than one language when you write.

Yepp... now Iam finished, and i will go to Ecuador next year.. i was plnaing to go to Japan, but i changed my mind.. And i think i have to wait sometime, if God wants i will go there.

I will celibrate christmas in Spain on a islan called Teneriffa.

So what do you do?

Where will you celebrate christmas?
Take care!! Miss you! /Oskar

匿名 さんのコメント...

hey Dominik!
wie geht's? tja...bekloppt ne lol aber egal!!! lol naja will ich nach Deutschland fliegen! Wo ist mein Nikolaus lol weißt du das?;P
liebe Grüße xx

匿名 さんのコメント...

hey xis-xis!
ouais! tout le monde l'aiment lol many of my friends said they love that pics ;)le fête pour Audrey ètait trop cool huh?;) alors...au suivant!....c'est qui?...père noël for sure lol Ho-Ho-Ho! ;)

匿名 さんのコメント...

Hej Oskar!
god dag! hur ar det? "Merry Christmas!"...vad heter det pa svenska? lol forstar du? my swedish is crap lol sorry lol vad trakigt...i wish i could spend that awesome christmas season in europe!!!ah cool so you'll go to spain for christmas! how nice;) envy u! i'll celebrate this christmas with my bf and my family at my place :D
miss you,too oskar!
Vi ses och hej da!<--hope u understand my crappy swedish lol

匿名 さんのコメント...



Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

Really good Swedish!!
hehe, i understand everything, how long time have you been studying?
on swedish merry christmas = God jul
and in japanese? :P
and how do you say No, in japanese?
I forgot almost everything.. :(
I want to chat with someone.. but no one is online.. neighter are you.
See ya, hug

匿名 さんのコメント...



匿名 さんのコメント...

hej Oskar!
ahaha! no way my swedish would never be good lol hahah i haven't ever studied it yet i would love to though^^ actually i have some swedish friends there so i've got a chance to learn some^^ heheh
God jul! sounds good hahah lol
in jap...mmm we say"merii kurisumasu"=its just"merry christmas" in jap pronounciation lol hahah is there any other way to say...? lol maybe...lol :D haha
"No" in jap? it's "iie"
love to chat wiz ya but recently i've been dead busy lol oh i was wondering if u could tell me your adress there;) send it to my either gmail or hotmail;)i wanna send you a christmas card:D
cheers n love xx

Globrtrotter さんのコメント...

here it is..
i have been gone for a while.
solv.6 74047 Harbo Sweden
My name is Oskar Lindberg

Merri kurismasu :)