
Week-end ①

                     xis-xis wiz 大隈講堂

  lovely cfjm ppl--(Mathias et Baptiste were out for gettin' some food lol)

                       avec lovely cfjm-jin lol
On est allés au Waseda-sai!!
       C'étais grave blindé lol
       Merci Mathias sen-sei lol

6 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Hey xis-xis bien ton T-Shirt Waseda ! Nice T-shirt !

Okay kids ! you are Waseda's SAIEN..U know like Super sayen in Dragon Ball .. U know..ha ah...okay ... Get out Amara... -_- LOL

It was a big big day..Xis-xis you know..a day LEGEN...wait for it...

Uerdinger さんのコメント...

ahahaha lol wth is goin on? eheheh lol super-saiajin ne lol ahhaha u know...finally i'm allowed to be "0.5" of fantastic 4 there lol ask xis-xis lol am i really now...? lol

Unknown さんのコメント...

... DARY !

I would have loved to come with you to Wase dasai... Anyway, good to see you all had fun.
"Grave blindé" : すげぇぇぇ!フランス人になった

Uerdinger さんのコメント...

aww salut remix!:D ca va bien? hehe yea if you could be with us at waseda-sai,would be awesome ne;D u know we've gotten to know each other there last year ne :D lots of stories though LOL heheh it's been already a year...wow the time has been passing really fast! hehe ouais! i've been learning lots of cool french stuffs from cfjm-jin LOL remix ni choooo aitai! nomitai! asobitai! mimiiii

匿名 さんのコメント...




Uerdinger さんのコメント...

あーーーーグレグレ!(笑)あなたのコメントを完璧見逃してた!(涙)すまん;P how's your work goin'?大丈夫?生きてるかい?また飲みにいこうぜい☆あ、久しぶりにあの秘密の焼き鳥行く?(笑)i really miss that in fact lol