←これは3人でお台場に遊びに行った時のものです。なんかフジテレビの中で"give it a try"ということでUFOキャッチャーにチャレンジした彼らですが、なんとQPが1回目で、西遊記の悟空と「どこでもいっしょ」の(?)にゃんこをgetしたのでありました。みんな人生初のUFOキャッチャー勝利に大興奮し、このfake "Statue of Liberty"をバックに(後ろ向きだけど(笑))ぱちり☆==
で、今夜はこの3人でカラオケ→焼肉コースに挑みましたぁ~各々が観光・仕事・遊び疲れ気味でしたが、カラオケでみんなで熱唱し、少々カロリーを消費した後に焼肉食べに行き、みんなあっという間に元気になりました。 いや~それにしても最近よく食べ、良く飲み・・・豚子に向かって一直線です(汗)。まあ~すでに豚子ですわぁ~~~いやはや・・・
6 件のコメント:
thanks a lot for your email!
missing you all the time
Hey Emilio!
thanx a lot for your comment! how have ya been? whats up there? you'll come here for a yr,right? sounds great!! look forawrd to it ;)
i'm really looking forward to it!!!!:D finally i would be able to see you ^-^!!!!! it's time to make our promises true :p.
anyways hope we can talk on msn soon!
ahahah yea we almost made it when i was in ireland last summer huh? lol we were very close indeed heheh anyway i try to catch u soon at msn;)
My little brother (4 years old) appreciates the fluff ;)
ahahha your bro is that small!? wow must be sweety ;) yea sure that was lovely huh? :) it's been for a while to see that kinda success infront of me lol ah mais....things we've done in shinjyuku for...what was that? snoopy? lol was very close to get! ahahha ne;) it was great fun anyway!:D