今日はなんか家に帰ったらxis-xisが「サプライズがあるよ」って言って、「ナニナニ??」なんて言いながら「オメデト」ってステキなハートのピアスをもらっちゃった☆実は昨日はxis-xisと一緒になって1年半記念だったらしく(笑)いわゆるアニバーサリーだったみたい。こーゆーのって普通オンナが敏感になるべきことなんじゃ・・・いやーー全然気付かなかった自分って・・・ってなわけであたしは何のプレゼントも用意していず・・・(^_^;;)what a wonderful gf lol というわけで週末は大サービスします・・・ごめんよぉ~~~~xis-xisやぁ~yosh 今日もバリバリ動くぞぉ~~
Since xis-xis and I did this
We met this consequence
(...NO BIKE) congrats for us! lol
So....as you can see our bikes are taken away by the control and had to pay 3,000yen for each!!! It was really aww! And was quite far to the control...maybe more than half an hour by bus! But on the way we came back we did cycling (well, need to of course lol) under very beautiful clear blue sky! hahah...erm it was such a nice Sunday afternoon lol Arigato Velo-chan lol
We met this consequence
(...NO BIKE) congrats for us! lol
So....as you can see our bikes are taken away by the control and had to pay 3,000yen for each!!! It was really aww! And was quite far to the control...maybe more than half an hour by bus! But on the way we came back we did cycling (well, need to of course lol) under very beautiful clear blue sky! hahah...erm it was such a nice Sunday afternoon lol Arigato Velo-chan lol
I've got a nice gift from xis-xis's family in France :) !!!! NINA RICCI!!! I love collecting parfume and NINA RICCI is one of my favourites :) I was going to buy that by the way. But without saying anything( haven't to xis-xis either!) They could guess the one I want!!!! so happy yuko!!!Merci beaucoup to all of his family! Arigato!!!!!
On Saturday, we got up late and headed to Makuari-Messe for an amusement expo with Max and Chika. There we tried a lot of games and stuffs :) Later we met up Andy,our australian friend and his british friends. They were so fun to hang out with! Also accidently we met some friends from xis-xis' uni in France :) at "Street Fighters Ⅳ" lol such a nice "retrouvailles miraculeuses " lol
After that we went to the " Carrefour"!!!!!! We all felt something indescribable...it was a "Carrefour" in France but maybe カルフール(karufu-ru) in Japan lol We spent a lot there... time and money....needless to say lol ああぁ~~なつかしい(**^_^**)hahah
Yeah! It was the Valentine's day on Thursday so xis-xis took me to a very nice french restaurant in Meguro! We often passed by that restaurant but never tried so we decided to go there :) Hmmmmm it was very yum-yum! All the cuisine were erm...provencal( I love!!!!) which I used to eat a lot when I was in Europe :D xis-xis was also like" ahhh----France!" lol We both became quite nostalgic lol Besides the owner of this restaurant was so warm and we really enjoyed talking to him and they will have the 15th anniversary in March so we ended up deciding to go back there in March :) That was very nice present of that day from xis-xis! Other than that I've got a very lovely nounours( like teddy :D) ,chocolate beer LOL and a sweet card! I gave him a clothes from "French Connection"(I love that brand)--erm that logo looks like F*** lol all over the world. it's actually FCUK though ;) hahah and a game for XBOX 360 :) mmm yea it was such a nice day! The day of last year we also went out for dinner but it was like the thing from yesterday...mmm the time has been passing so fast! Once again Mega merci lol xis-xis!! This day is also special for his daddy, very happy birthday so we called him at work :) And surprisingly my daddy's birthday is also coming just after his daddy ;) heheh
Otanjobi Omedetoooo for both papas! :)
Home Party chez Seba-chan♪
Today xis-xis and I went to Sebastian's house and we did a great french home party there :)!!! It was so awesome! There we met up Sebastian,his gf, Kanako, Maxime,his gf,Chika,Mathias and Matthieu would join us but he was still too drunk to come lol so after all he couldn't...mmm...zannen! Seba-chan and Kana-chan cooked very nice Galette and Ratatouille! It was all amazing! yum yum ;) Arigato Seba-chan and Kana-chan! ;)
Ratatouille!!!! I love it and I used to eat a lot when I was in Germany :) OH and we also had nice french chi-zu and needless to say...was all cool! ;) miam-miam!
今夜はオーストラリアのお友達Andrewがオーストラリア料理を食べに連れて行ってくれるってんで、xis-xisと二人で渋谷まで行ってきました~~!カンガールちゃんとオーストリッチちゃんをみんなで食べました~~カンガールちゃんとワニちゃんはオーストラリアに行った時に1回だけ食べたんですが、今回行ったレストランはxis-xis曰く、フレンチ風のソースでまた違った味わいでめっちゃ美味しかったですわ~~~♪もうすぐ彼はオーストラリアに帰っちゃうので寂しくなりますわ~thanx a lot, Andy! we love hangin' out with you, kangadrew! lol
あ~~~かなりブログ放置しちゃいました~~~ごめんなさーい!なんか試験やらxis-xisの引越しやらでかなりバタバタしてました~~無事、引越しも済み、毎日平凡に楽しく暮らしてます。なかなか住み心地のいい場所です♪あ、ちなみにこの写真はあたしのフランスのawesome friend、Andriaからのお届け物です♪美味しい物が盛りだくさんでした☆Merci Andria♪ hug hug chu chu
love you all, herzlichst
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